In One Word: BrilliantA Beautiful Sentence: “The idea of long gone people from a past, unrecorded civilisation seemed strange to him and raised goosepimples on his skin.” The Plot: Ria, a woman with the power to turn people to stone, hides her monstrous identity after committing an act of violence in self-defense. She retreats to…
A Candle Or The Sun by Gopal Baratham – Review
In One Word: WittyA Beautiful Sentence: “…she probably regards me as a tango come to grief.” The Plot: Hernando Perera, a furniture department manager and writer, leads a quiet life. He avoids questioning much until he loses his job. Slowly, he begins to question his own passivity and to take action. This book reminded me…
Ponti by Sharlene Teo – Review
In One Word: Disappointing A Beautiful Sentence: “One day the shitty corporate mug I’m holding will be somebody’s antique,…” The Plot: The book follows three women, Szu, Circe, and Amisa, across different times in their lives, from adolescence to adulthood. Szu is a teenager trying to build a relationship with her mother, Amisa, a former…
From Sceptic To Believer: How This Book Changed My View On Poetry
Ah, poetry. In my world, it always feels like a pure vanity purchase as I still haven’t given up on the dream of becoming an intellectual. But I rarely read these buys. And when I do, it’s in full Speedy Gonzalez mode. Until I read “A Field Guide to Supermarkets in Singapore” by Samuel Lee….
The Lonely Rack of Singaporean Books
And the chase for books is on! I have now 48 books on my list and January 1st, 2025, my official launch date, is not far away as well. While researching books to add to my list, I already got the feeling that it would be quite difficult to find some. For example, Chicken Kampung…
The Book I Didn’t Finish.
Three books. One on data, one on careers, one on motherhood. The first two written by Americans, the last one by an English author. These are the only three that survived my dramatic purge of my To Read-list. It was a scary exercise because I couldn’t stop wondering: Will I survive reading 100 novels so…
Hello To New Book Adventures
If I want to read 100 novels in a year, it is not going to happen without some serious planning. Just by having a look at my agenda for 2025, it seems already packed to the brim. So, O.R.G.A.N.I.S.A.T.I.O.N! First up: cleaning up my to-read list. Not just any book comes into my life. No,…